The HERO...and the Palmer Team 77 reunion in Newport

...the people!

First, a couple of group pictures, then some other stuff...
the crowd
The entire group of attendees, including honorary me:
Back row: Bill Spindler, Fred Dorffeld, Ed Born
Second row: Ed Schwalenberg, Kay Williams (Shane's mother), Gary Cullen, Daren Laine, John Lohr, Pat Moriarty
Front: Brian Glass
Team 77
...and most of the official team members:
Gary Cullen, Daren Laine, Fred Dorffeld, Pat Moriarty, Ed Born

Brian Glass in the galley...
fruit bowl
A few other folks at a table in the galley. Looks like Fred Dorffeld on the left, Ed Schwalenberg on the right, and ?? in the middle. Geesh, it has been awhile since we did this!

Another guy lounging in the lounge...Shane's brother Bob perhaps?
Team 77?

...and Gary Cullen.
The dockside BBQ, I brought one of the grills from Nevada.
piers like we are doing well
Looking the other way at the dockside barbecue scene.
HERO crewman

John Lohr...HERO comms officer in the late 1970s.
the owner

Bill Wechter, the owner of the Hero. He and wife Amy were very gracious hosts.

A view of the spread.

Pat Moriarty brewed a few cases of Cerveza Pinguino beer on station during the winter...well, it seems that Gary Cullen saved a bottle from all these years. Until this night. Aahh.

So what happened next?