Palmer Station Winter 2017

Palmer 2017 winterovers
Above, the official winterover photo, which, like the midwinter photo below, features Rigil, the first of the two new RHIB's. An alphabetical list: Melody Abel, Tom Adams, Clinton Anderson*, Shaun Bonneau, Matt Boyer, Ryan Dubina, Ken Keenan, Greg Letscher, Ian Mannix, Lisa Minelli-Endlich, Dan Nielson, Emily Olson, Jim Pasternak, Andrew Purves, Lance Roth, Michael Stovall, Arnold Valerio, Trin Westmoore, Scott Witte, George Wortley.

*Clinton Anderson left station before the photo was taken, although he did meet the revised (May 2015) DOD regulations for receipt of the Antarctic Service Medal winterover clasp--ice time from March through October. Two of the folks in the photo did not meet this requirement. Let's just say that the definition of Palmer winterovers has always been "complicated." And while the Pole winterover is normally more definitely defined by the summer LC-130 flight schedule, the new regs mean that the two folks medevaced from Pole in June 2016 did not qualify as recipients of the winterover clasp/pin.

Here is the full size unedited photo (5.8mb).

the 2017 midwinter greeting card
This is the official 2017 midwinter greeting card (photo credit Ken Keenan)

Midwinter dinner party
The satisfied customers at the midwinter dinner (photo credit Amanda Biederman)