Palmer Station Winter 2020

2020 winterovers

Above, the 2020 winterover "part 2" photo! Oh, the winterover "part 1" photo is on this page.

2020 Palmer Station midwinter greeting
Here's the official invitation from Palmer Station for folks at the 41 other year-round Antarctic stations to attend the midwinter dinner...traditionally these invitations have been passed around for many years. This year of course, things were a bit different, as the winterovers did not arrive on station until 16 June. This photo was taken before the summer folks departed on the Laurence M. Gould which is seen behind the group. Below, a closeup view of the summer and winter folks.
Palmer summer plus winter crews

the 2020 midwinter greeting
And here is the traditional midwinter greeting card that was also sent around.

LMG line handlers
Here is another interesting photo which was shared by a friend. Turns out this was NOT the official
midwinter greeting, but rather a photo by Bob Farrell of the line handlers as the Laurence M. Gould
was departing. I decided to share it here anyway because of the amazing colors of the sea and sky. We
don't know who added the greeting text. Many thanks to winter manager Ken Keenan for sharing the
greetings photos and clarifying this line handler photo, and to Steve Allerding for sharing the group photos.