Palmer Station Winter 1965

1965 Palmer winter crew
The group:
Thomas A. Adkins, CSC, USN; cook
William F. Ahrnsbrak, Ohio State; glaciology
Charles S. Axworthy, HMC, USN; medical/CPOIC
Jack W. Cummings, RMC, USN; communications
Charles L. Ferguson, CEC, USN; electrical/mechanical
George A. Lippert, Bernice B. Bishop Museum; biology
Charles C. Plummer, Ohio State; glaciology
Arthur S. Rundle, Ohio State; glaciology/SSL
Jack L. Strong, Bernice B. Bishop Museum; biology
Not named in the photo is Eddy, the husky dog

Sources: Palmer group photo, Antarctic Report (NSF), and
the USGS gazetteer. The photos are courtesy of Glenn Grant.

The photo on station is in poor's the original
unedited version complete with scratches
(4 mb)...and here's the
older version of the photo
that used to be on this page.

Palmer 1965 midwinter dinner
Above--the 1965 midwinter dinner.

From left: Jack Strong, biologist; George Lippert, biologist; Charles Plummer, glaciologist; CSC Thomas Adkins, station cook; HMC Charles Axworthy, medic; Arthur Rundle, glaciologist/SSL; CEC Charles Ferguson, electrician/mechanic; William Ahrnsbrak, glaciologist; and RMC Jack Cummings.

The above photo and caption are by Jack Cummings from the USAP Antarctic Photo Library (link to original).

The December 1965 Antarctic Report lists only science personnel, and its list for the 1965 winter includes only Lawrence E. Brown and Steven R. DeWitt from Ohio State, and Verne E. Peckham (who are in neither of the photos so I have not included them in the list) as well as Arthur S. Rundle who does appear in the photos.