Palmer Station Winter 1971

guess who

U. S. Navy
CEC Richard Campleman       Electrician
LTJG Ernest R. Fenton (CEC) Officer-in-Charge
LT Lawrence W. Mahalak (MC) Physician
RM1 Bobby J. Poitevint      Comms
SK2 Barry S. Ross           Supply
CM2 Ralph L. Snyder         Mechanic
CS1 Troy M. Warren          Cook
HM1 Dewitt L. Welday        Medical
UT1 Frank H. Woodbury       Plumbing/mechanical

Dale L. Berry            Biology/SSL    Texas Tech University
Brent L. Davis           Biology        Texas Tech University

Source: w/o plaque,
Antarctic Journal, July/August 1971
The photo was most likely taken by Lawrence Mahalak according
to his daughter Pamela...

First, note that Bobby's name is misspelled on the
the poem below (as well as in a 2004 message board post he put
up), the correct spelling is Poitevint. As for Barry, the Antar-
ctic Journal list identifies him as Barry Ross, which I will
assume is the correct spelling although I was unable to find any
confirmation elsewhere.

Below, a Navy cruisebook photo that includes two extra people:
guys in the front room
              But that isn't is a beginning-of-winter greeting that these
              folks sent out, this copy was saved from the McMurdo dump by Billy-Ace Baker:
hello from the banana belt