Palmer Station Winter 1977

La Bamba Construction Company

Holmes & Narver
Gary M. Cullen                  Paramedic
Frederick J. (Fred) Dorffeld    Comms
Daren L. Laine                  Power Plant Mechanic
Patrick T. (Pat) Moriarty       Cook
Shane J. Williams               Station Manager

Brian M. Glass                Biology/SSL   University of Minnesota
Edward C. (Ed) Schwalenberg   Meteorology   University of Nevada

Source: the winterover photo, all of those depicted are good friends.

The Antarctic Journal, March/June 1977, lists Gary Cullen as the manager
and John Tendick as facilities engineer. That perhaps was true when that
issue went to press, as manager Shane (who'd arrived at the beginning of
the 1976-77 summer) spent several months in the US (working out of the
Anaheim office) after injuring his back while loading scrap iron onto the
Chilean vessel Yelcho. Meanwhile, decisions were made that John would
be sent home...and in mid-June, Shane returned (via a C-130 flight from Rio
Gallegos to Marambio...and thence to Palmer in a Twin Otter. John was sent
out on the return flight. At this time, relations between the US and Argentina
were rather tense, so there was some concern that something might go wrong.

Special thanks to Glenn Grant for the fresh photo, and to Ed Schwalenberg
for some clarification on the events.

In 1999, Gary Cullen informed me that after searching for Shane Williams, he
learned that Shane had died in a motorcycle accident in Seattle in 1989.

(full size unedited photo) (3 mb)