2005 Medevac

a nice runway
The BAS Twin Otter on the glacier.
packing up
Getting some of the gear ready.
blowing snow
Some of the preparations on top of the glacier.
ready to travel
Here's Pete on the sled ready to head up to the plane.
up up
One of the sled runs up the glacier.
business class

Underway, here Pete is enjoying the comfortable seating...
cool water

...as he wasn't in much condition to enjoy the view.
stretch legs
The flight stopped to refuel at the Chilean station on KGI.
hang it up
The hanger at Base Eduardo Frei.
tanks alot
Filling the tanks and stretching the legs before the flight across the Drake...
emergency room
...to the hospital in Punta Arenas...
nursing back to health
...and some excellent care.
well suited

Jumping ahead a few days, after losing that pesky appendix, here's our hero alive, healthy, and shopping for new clothes!
All the photos are with thanks to Pete Allen, although most of
them were by Dr. Kelvin (below), who accompanied Pete to PA...