Palmer Station Winter 2008

decked out

These are the folks who were around when the 2008 midwinter greeting photo was taken...

Back: Craig Aumack, Sean Bonnette, Chris Seliga, Jordan Murphy, Graham Love, Katherine Moloney, Amber Bates, Webster Coates, Neal Scheibe, Kevin Marler, Brendan Pope, Jack Anderson, Eric Cooper, Diane Curran

Front: John Postlethwait, Jonathan Wong, Paul Queior, Carla Appel, Adam Swanson, Kimber Beachy, Bobby Drake, Eric Pohlman, Anthony Andrade, Gil Koplovitz

The greeting email message contained an invitation to participate in one of Palmer Station's unique midwinter traditions--in addition to the big feast, there was a plunge into the ocean at the exact moment of the solstice...the water temperature was -1.5°C. Below is the unedited greeting card:

no skua for dinner for us