Palmer Station Winter 1972

this place is going to the dogs

U. S. Navy
HM1 Gary L. Cawthon            Medical
EM2 Andrew S. (Scott) Garrett  Electrician
LCDR Paul F. Jacobs (CEC)      Officer-in-Charge
CM1 Joseph C. McGregory        Mechanic
LT Joel H. Mumford (MC)        Physician
CS1 David L. Oliver            Cook
UT1 Gary R. Russell            Plumbing/mechanical
SK3 Charles L. Thompson        Supply
RM1 Larry D. Wise              Comms

Allen R. Crooker          Biology      Texas Tech University
William L. Graham         Biology/SSL  Texas Tech University
William N. (Benny) Krebs  Biology      University of California, Davis
William L. Stockton       Biology      University of California, Davis

Source: w/o photo,
Antarctic Journal, July/August 1972