Laying out the pieces... |

Preparing for more of the foundation...Seabees of MCB-6 were assisted by crewmen from the Edisto. |

The Edisto's helicopters made things lots easier, since there is no pier, a very poor landing site for small craft, and a lousy road up the hill. |
 Installing the roof on the berthing section. |

Another view from the other side of the structure. |
 Putting the roof on the first section of the structure. |

The nearly completed structure from the back. |

Some of the original fuel bladders behind the station. There was a 50,000 gallon supply. |
All of the black-and-white photos are U. S. Navy photos are from the DF-65 Navy cruisebook except for the last one (fuel bladders) which appeared in the Bulletin of the US Antarctic Projects Officer, Vol. 6, No. 7; Summer 1965. The color photos are from 1965 winterover Jack Cummings from this blog page.