Update / Help the R/V Hero Come Home

(or at least a few pieces of the vessel...)

artists conceptual drawing of Hero
Artist's concept of Hero (NSF Drawing from the Antarctic Journal, May/June 1968)

the Hero in October 2018

As of mid-May 2022, the remains of the R/V Hero (which sank on 4 March 2017) are currently scheduled for scrapping and removal in July 2022 by salvagers contracted by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). At left is my October 2018 look at what the salvage contractor will have to deal with (more photos).

As previously mentioned on this page, Charles Lagerbom and the Antarctican Society have arranged with DNR to attempt to recover salvage items and transport them to the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, Maine. But...there are costs of $5000 involved to transport what may be up to six tons of material...and we are looking for contributions.

The flyer below was prepared by the Antarctican Society; click here for a PDF version.

Hero fundraising flyer

Note...enough funds were raised to cover the expected costs of artifact transportation to Maine, but donations to the Antarctican Society are always needed and welcome.

Next and final news: Goodbye.